Wrote in Legal Form Completely Absorbed in the Job

The above three examples are unusual uses and could be considered similar to the use of absorbed. However, there seems to be a nuance of difference, as deepened in (as absorbed) could be too strong. Perhaps an appropriate meaning here is entirely occupied by/with. This young man was absorbed by his big camera. He made a short film of people and passers-by singing and reading the poems under the trees. The neutrons can then be absorbed by an isotope that has a high affinity for slow neutrons. Alternative fee systems have become increasingly popular in recent years. Other fee agreements can come in many shapes and sizes, but more common forms of value-based billing are listed below with contract descriptions and common uses. Adjective absorbed 3 [selected extracts] They were completely absorbed into each other. There sat Magdalena,. immersed in the study on their part. When you say “absorbed by his big camera”, it sounds strange to my ear. It`s like he`s doing something that absorbs him, and the camera is with him while driving, but the focus is more on absorption than on the camera.

Verb to absorb transitively 2 [selected extracts] 1. [liquid/gas] to absorb a liquid, gas or any other substance from the surface or space around something: absorb something into something Water and salts are absorbed into our bloodstream. 4. [Being part of something] Being part of something bigger: Merging into something We were quickly accepted into the life of the local village. A lump sum is paid for legal services covering a wide range of legal activities. Fees can be paid in progress payments (e.g. monthly) or all at once. If the transaction is terminated, the client will only pay a percentage of the legal fees. In the case of large transactions or litigation, legal services are divided into phases and the parties agree on the budget at each stage. The prices are mixed between partners and partners and a mixed rate is charged to the client for all work done by the firm. Used in both litigation and transactional matters.

This form of AFA provides the client with certainty about fees; However, the law firm may have an incentive to work up to the strict cap and not achieve efficiency in delivering legal services below the cap. In addition, the law firm may not be willing to take the risk that legal fees will exceed the cap. The correct and original use is “absorbed in”, but does that mean that if “absorbed in” is not appropriate, you should look for a term other than absorbed? Used only in a transactional context. The goal is to create incentives for the law firm to inform the client in advance if there are any conditions in the transaction that may ultimately lead to termination of the transaction before unnecessary legal fees are incurred. This form is used when a substance or entity is part of a larger entity (subsumed into a larger unit). Apart from these exceptions, “absorbed in” is used much more often. You will find dozens of links if you search for Google with: absorb verb [with subject] 1 [selected excerpts] 2. (often absorbed) attract the attention of (someone); Great interest: she sat in an armchair, immersed herself in a book Work absorbed him and continued to make him happy For example, if there is a constant flow of certain types of contracts (for example, IT contracts). A lump sum could be paid to the firm for all legal services related to IT transactions in a given year. The key issues for this AFA are the scope of the portfolio A discretionary fees paid to the law firm based on the review of legal services provided by in-house counsel. Absorb the verb [with object] 1 [selected excerpts] 1.

Ingestion or absorption (of energy or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action: steroids are absorbed into the bloodstream Take control of (a smaller or less powerful entity) and integrate it with a larger entity: The family business has been incorporated into a larger group An alternative fee agreement is vaguely defined as any type of fee agreement, where a client pays a lawyer something other than a traditional hourly rate for the legal work performed. Sometimes other fee arrangements are abbreviated as “AFA” or the more recent term “value-based billing”. The fact is that a lawyer is paid for the value provided for the legal service, as opposed to the time it takes to provide the requested legal service. I think that is too prudent. Without drawing any authority, I would say that using “our ears” as authority can be misleading. To my ears, it doesn`t sound so far-fetched. I think the expression should also be useful if you can`t use in. As in the two examples @dcaswell used above. I wish I could point out that the SEC misuses language, but in general, it would be the same snobbish impulse if I told someone else that “absorbed by” is bad language and you show that you know better. I didn`t find this form in any of the dictionaries I consulted, suggesting that its use is not common. However, I found the following examples of its use 4 [selected excerpts] One difference is that “absorbed” usually means that you are currently in contact with it.

But you may be absorbed in something in a more abstract way or not in the present moment. When you say “immersed in his big camera,” you`re saying he`s just focusing on his camera. ISP absorbs with a new sun protection filter. House Sergeant at Arms absorbs with security THE CREATIVE DIRECTOR OF GUCCI IS FASCINATED BY INNOVATION AND RISK-TAKING. The above example could probably be used alternatively absorbed by. Transitive verb absorb 2 [selected extracts] 3. [interest] to interest someone so much that he does not pay attention to other things: the movement and noise of the machines absorb him completely. to be absorbed in something Judith was lying on the couch, absorbed in her book. The following dictionary definitions and examples clearly show that this form is used when a person is immersed in a hobby or other activity.

Contributed by Kristen Cook and Dawud Crooms, 7-Eleven, Inc. Can be combined with almost any other type of AFA. This type of AFA is often used in litigation and paid if the law firm wins the case or gets a favorable outcome. These types of hourly rates can be included in any type of agreement charged at an hourly rate. For repetitive work, a fixed rate ensures consistency of costs. Examples include a flat fee for each EEOC response, a response to a specific type of violation, or a fee for each rental transaction. The key is that there must be sufficient volume to increase the volume of work for this type of AFA. It is used in both acquisitions and litigation and allows parties to redefine and redefine the budget for each stage of the course of the case. In addition, by adding a budget for each step, budgets can be more accurate and help the client understand the costs associated with each phase. For example, if a dispute is resolved before trial, the client should not be charged for the trial period of the budget.

Here are some examples from some of the headlines I`ve seen on the Internet. Alternative fee agreements are multiplying, but the billable time is still online and good. Used to incentivize the law firm to provide excellent service throughout the transaction. Typically, this type of AFA comes with a fixed fee in a transaction where the company`s fees are guaranteed from the start. The law firm receives a percentage of the client`s recovery. It has to do with your approach to language, and mine is more flexible and less monolithic. Language is evolving, and I see no particular reason for preservation in this case. Does it work? I think so. Is it a grid? I do not see why it should. Fees are charged at a negotiated hourly rate, provided the client pays up to the fixed budget number, but no more than the fixed budget number. In this scenario, the law firm assumes the risk of loss.

The answers to questions like these can be found quite easily by consulting a few online dictionaries. A discretionary fee paid to the law firm if the firm achieves a favourable predetermined outcome. The interests of the law firm and the client are more closely coordinated, as both only benefit from the attribution to the client. This type of AFA is most often observed in cases of assault and conviction. For example, in conviction cases, the law firm receives a percentage of the arbitral award that is higher for the client than the initial offer from the sentencing authority. Although alternative fee systems are seen as the next frontier in law firm profitability, their adoption is slower than expected. The client pays an agreed fixed rate for the work over a certain period of time. If I use with instead of in, does it change the meaning? Explore the Bloomberg Law Legal Operations resource page to learn how operations professionals are improving the efficiency of their organizations.

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