Zeal Definition in Government

Passion, fervor, enthusiasm, zeal mean intense emotions that invite action. Passion refers to a deeply troubling or ungovernable emotion. Devoting oneself to one`s passions involves a warm and constant emotion. Reading the poem aloud with great fervor vividly suggests that hot and excited feelings are likely to be agitated or short-lived. The enthusiasm of their honeymoon quickly faded into a keen or ardent interest or admiration for a proposal, cause or activity. Never showed much enthusiasm for sport Zeal involves the energetic and tireless pursuit of a goal or dedication to a cause. Preaching with fanatical zeal If Carlson runs in 2024, he would be an immediate favorite given his anti-establishment zeal and platform in by far the most popular cable news show. At least, that`s what you`d conclude when you think about New Year`s resolutions and the zeal with which so many people make them. And this is also what they call zeal for the glory of God and the glory of Christ! Even as the ranks of right-wing culture warriors are decreasing, their zeal seems to be increasing. The horrors of World War II stimulated systematic research aimed at understanding zealous fanaticism, nationalism and fascism. Thousands of in-home interviews about respondents` life experiences and zealous tendencies led to the conclusion that zeal stems from feelings of personal vulnerability. Cross-sectional research supports the overall conclusion. For example, during wars, political leaders tend towards black-and-white certainty in their speeches, dogmatic religious denominations thrive, and children`s books become more moralistic than usual.

These findings are consistent with historians` observations that religious movements tend to germinate in times of social insecurity and that religious fundamentalism and extremism are particularly likely to be fueled in conditions of social unrest and threats. (As a result, enthusiasm for the Crusades increased under conditions of unprecedented social and political insecurity.) He brings the same intuitive scrutiny to Tolontan and his associates as they pursue new angles of their corruption history with a zeal that ultimately puts them at risk. Zeal is often used in a religious sense, meaning devotion to God or another religious cause, such as being a missionary. However, zeal does not need to be religious: a feeling of enthusiasm and enthusiasm for everything can be called zeal. People are zealous for sports teams, groups, causes, and (often, but not always) their work. When you are passionate about something, you have zeal, which is a kind of mixture of zeal, energy and dedication. Laboratory research supports interview and cross-sectional research findings. Hundreds of studies conducted over the past 20 years by dozens of researchers in North America and Europe have found that people overzealously respond to experimental manipulations of experiential self-threats such as high mortality, personal insecurity, social rejection, loneliness, isolation, failure, inferiority, confusion, and exposure to people who violate their cherished ideals. Defensive zeal is more pronounced in People who (a) explicitly claim high self-esteem, but show signs of low self-esteem implicit in assessments that bypass conscious consciousness, (b) avoid close personal relationships defensively, or (c) have narcissistic claims of superiority. These three personality tendencies are empirically related and essentially share perceived insecurity.

Thus, zeal can be seen as a defensive maneuver in which externally proud people get involved when situational threats resonate with inner uncertainties. Defensive zeal is also more pronounced in cultures (e.g., Jewish, Christian, and Muslim) influenced by ancient Greek ideas that advocate an independent pursuit of ideal truth. Zeal is less evident in cultures influenced by Taoist and Confucian norms that encourage the submission of conflicting opinions to dialectical perspectives. It was his business acumen, his tireless zeal for the creative business solution, that drove Sam to do it. Britannica English: Translation of Zeal for Arabic Speakers One of these preachers admitted to The Daily Beast that he was surprised by his zeal. He begged me to do so with the zeal of someone who had just found God and praised the article emphatically. These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “zeal.” The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. That is, communal zeal today is not love for the party, but hatred for the elites. In her eagerness to prepare us a meal, she cut deep into her index finger. They have fought countless bloody wars and committed countless terrible atrocities in their zeal for Him.

It is important that zealous reactions also occur in areas that have nothing to do with triggering threats. Therefore, zeal can be seen as a general and compensatory response to poignant self-threats. Why do people turn to compensatory zeal when threatened? Just as James and Freud suggested, zeal protects people from threatening thoughts. Laboratory experiments show that zealous expressions of worldviews, ideals of values, personal beliefs or pride make previously boring thoughts disappear from consciousness. Even if they are repeatedly reminded of distressing thoughts after an enthusiastic expression, distressing thoughts still feel less important, less urgent, and less urgent than they normally are. This means that zeal is not simply a form of distraction. This somehow makes the troubling thoughts less big, even if they are in focal consciousness. These experimental results are consistent with James`s early observation that religious fanatics seem exceptionally capable of coping with difficult circumstances and joyfully tolerating severe difficulties. (It is said that a mystical saint showed piety by joyfully licking the festering wounds of hospitalized patients.) Uscinski, for his part, considers the risk of distortion of social desirability with QAnon to be minimal, given the blatant zeal with which proponents seem to demonstrate their support. I dared to associate this with Your Majesty, because of my zeal as a faithful vassal and as a person who looks at things dispassionately. When He who bent the sky came to save sinners, Zacchaeus, great in zeal but of small stature, saw the tree of life of the sycamore maple; Raised above the earth, he saw Jesus calling him: Descending in humility, he repented, received him; and so salvation entered into his house, and he was shown as the true son of Abraham.

After that, the 1960s swelled with political zeal and social unrest. Yet today we face the sad reality that our unbridled zeal is a sign of immaturity. Zeal is confusing because it can be unreasonable and self-destructive. Just as the aggressive zeal of the original Zealots led to the destruction of their sect, thousands of naively unprepared crusaders were killed from 1086 CE to 1270 CE. killed in seemingly reckless campaigns to conquer Jerusalem for their ideological cause.

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